; S3VIRGE.INF ; ; Installation inf for the S3 Incorporated display driver. ; ; (c) Copyright 1997 S3 Incorporated. ; [Version] Signature="$CHICAGO$" Provider=%S3% ClassGUID={4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Display [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 S3Inc.Miniport = 12 ; drivers S3Inc.Display = 11 ; system32 S3Inc.ConfigFile = 12 ; config files to the drivers directory ;S3Inc.Hotkey = 10,%AllUsersDir% ; directory to place HOTKEY.EXE S3SWITCHcopy.sys = 11 S3SWITCHcopy.inf = 17 S3SWITCHcopy.hlp = 18 ; ; Driver information ; [Manufacturer] %S3% = S3.Mfg ; ; This section should be modified to reflect the chip strings the ; user will see in the Displays applet when the new driver is being ; installed from the driver diskette. ; [S3.Mfg] %S3% Display Driver v3.20.15= S3Inc ; ; General installation section ; [S3Inc] CopyFiles=S3Inc.Miniport, S3Inc.Display, S3Inc.ConfigFile, S3SWITCHcopy.sys, S3SWITCHcopy.inf, S3SWITCHcopy.hlp ;, S3Inc.Hotkey ; ; File sections ; [S3Inc.Miniport] s3mini.sys ; miniport driver [S3Inc.Display] s3virge.dll ; ViRGE display driver hotkey.exe ; ; ONLY used for M5 ; ;[S3Inc.Hotkey] ;hotkey.exe,,,%DELFLAG_IN_USE% ;************************************************************************** ; Mode/Configuration File Installation ; ==================================== ; ; To install a mode/refresh configuration file with the drivers: ; ; 1) Remove the leading ";" from the "%S3ConfigFile%" line in the ; [S3Inc.ConfigFile] section below. This will allow the configuration ; file to be copied from the driver diskette to the target system. ; 2) Remove the leading ";" in the "HKR..." line in the [S3Inc_Configuration] ; section below. This will place the configuration file name in the ; Registry. ; 3) Set S3ConfigFile to the mode/refresh filename in the [Strings] section ; at the bottom of this file. ; ;************************************************************************** [S3Inc.ConfigFile] ;%S3ConfigFile% ; **** copy config file **** ; ; Service Installation ; [S3Inc.Services] AddService = S3Inc, 0x00000002, S3Inc_Service_Inst, S3Inc_EventLog_Inst [S3Inc_Service_Inst] ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 1 ; SERVICE_SYSTEM_START ErrorControl = 0 ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE LoadOrderGroup = Video ServiceBinary = %12%\s3mini.sys [S3Inc_EventLog_Inst] AddReg = S3Inc_EventLog_AddReg [S3Inc_EventLog_AddReg] HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\s3mini.sys" HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7 ; ; Software Installation ; [S3Inc.SoftwareSettings] AddReg = S3Inc_SoftwareDeviceSettings AddReg = S3Inc_Configuration ; mode/refresh config file section AddReg = S3Inc_HotkeySettings ; mode/refresh config file section AddReg = S3SWITCH.AddReg ; ; This section is used to place the mode/refresh configuration filename ; in the Registry. (See [S3Inc.ConfigFile] section above) ; [S3Inc_Configuration] ;HKR, , ModeCfgFile, %REG_EXPAND_SZ%, \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\%S3ConfigFile% [S3Inc_SoftwareDeviceSettings] HKR,, InstalledDisplayDrivers, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, s3virge HKR,, VgaCompatible, %REG_DWORD%, 0 [S3Inc_HotkeySettings] HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, Hotkey, %REG_SZ%, hotkey.exe ; ; Source file information ; [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1 = %DiskId%,,,"" [SourceDisksFiles] s3mini.sys = 1 ; all files on Disk 1 s3virge.dll = 1 hotkey.exe = 1 %S3ConfigFile% = 1 S3SWITCH.dll = 1 S3SWITCH.hlp = 1 SWTCHNTV.hlp = 1 S3TRAY.exe = 1 S3VIRGE.inf = 1 ; S3SWITCH and S3TRAY installation ;--------------------------------- ;[DefaultInstall] ;DelReg = S3SWITCH.AddReg ;CopyFiles= S3SWITCHcopy.sys ;AddReg=S3SWITCH.AddReg [DefaultUninstall] DelReg = S3SWITCH.AddReg DelFiles = S3SWITCHcopy.sys, S3SWITCHcopy.hlp [S3SWITCHRemove] DelReg = S3SWITCH.AddReg DelFiles = S3SWITCHcopy.sys, S3SWITCHcopy.hlp [S3SWITCH.AddReg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\S3SWITCH,DisplayName,,"%ShortDesc%" HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\S3SWITCH,UninstallString,,"RunDll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection S3SWITCHRemove 4 S3VIRGE.INF" HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{d5ddefa2-d866-11d0-9a83-00aa00bbc085},"",,"Property Sheet Extension for S3 Display Configuration Utility" HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{d5ddefa2-d866-11d0-9a83-00aa00bbc085}\InProcServer32,"",,"S3SWITCH.dll" HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{d5ddefa2-d866-11d0-9a83-00aa00bbc085}\InProcServer32,ThreadingModel,,"Apartment" HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\%1%\Display\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\S3SWITCH,"",,"{d5ddefa2-d866-11d0-9a83-00aa00bbc085}" HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,S3TRAY,,"S3tray.exe" HKLM,SOFTWARE\S3\SWITCH,,, HKLM,SOFTWARE\S3\SWITCH,M3_M5,,"1" HKLM,SOFTWARE\S3\SWITCH,DuoViewIn8Bpp,,"ON" [S3SWITCHcopy.sys] S3SWITCH.dll S3TRAY.exe [S3SWITCHcopy.hlp] S3SWITCH.hlp SWTCHNTV.hlp [S3SWITCHcopy.inf] S3VIRGE.inf [Strings] ; ; Non-Localizable Strings ; REG_SZ = 0x00000000 REG_MULTI_SZ = 0x00010000 REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000 REG_BINARY = 0x00000001 REG_DWORD = 0x00010001 SERVICEROOT = System\CurrentControlSet\Services ; ; Localizable Strings ; DiskId = "S3 Incorporated Installation DISK (VIDEO)" GraphAdap = "Graphics Adapter" S3 = "S3 Incorporated" AllUsersDir = "profiles\All Users\Start Menu\PROGRAMS\STARTUP" ; S3SWITCH string 1 = "Controls Folder" ShortDesc = "S3 Display Configuration Utility" LongDesc = "S3 Display Configuration Utility" S3 = "S3 Incorporated" ; ; Add the name of the mode/refresh configuration file here. (See the ; [S3Inc.Configuration] section above. If no configuration file is used, ; set S3ConfigFile = "". ; ; ex. S3ConfigFile = "modes765.cfg" ; S3ConfigFile = ""